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PluginManager Class Reference

Manages the plugins. More...

#include <PluginManager.h>

Public Member Functions

 PluginManager (Config *configPtr, Methods *methodsPtr, CommandManager *commandsPtr, std::map< std::string, Player > *playersPtr, MapList *mapsPtr, sql::Connection *databasePtr, UIManager *uiPtr, ServerInfo *serverInfoPtr)
 Initializes the pointers the plugins need. More...
 ~PluginManager ()
 Destructor closes all open plugins.
void SetEventManager (EventManager *eventManagerPtr)
 Sets the event manager to be used for callbacks. More...
void LoadPlugins (std::string pluginsFolder="./plugins")
 Loads the plugins in the specified folder. More...
void InitializePlugins ()
 Calls all Init() functions in the plugins (called after loading all plugins).
void DisplayPluginList (Player player)
 Displays the plugin list to the admin. More...

Private Member Functions

std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
discoverPlugins (std::string pluginsFolder)
 Disovers plugin (.so) files in the specified folder.

Private Attributes

std::map< std::string, PluginInfoplugins
 Vector of loaded plugins.
 Current instance of the Config.
 Current instance of the CommandManager.
 Current instance of the EventManager.
 Current instance of the controller.
 Current plugin handler.

Detailed Description

Manages the plugins.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PluginManager::PluginManager ( Config configPtr,
Methods methodsPtr,
CommandManager commandsPtr,
std::map< std::string, Player > *  playersPtr,
MapList mapsPtr,
sql::Connection *  databasePtr,
UIManager uiPtr,
ServerInfo serverInfoPtr 

Initializes the pointers the plugins need.

configPtrCurrent instance of Config.
methodsPtrCurrent instance of Methods.
commandsPtrCurrent instance of the CommandManager.
playersPtrCurrent instance of the playerlist.
mapsPtrCurrent instance of the maplist.
databasePtrCurrent instance of the database connection.
uiPtrCurrent instance of the interface manager.
serverInfoPtrCurrent instance of the server information.

Member Function Documentation

void PluginManager::DisplayPluginList ( Player  player)

Displays the plugin list to the admin.

playerList requester.
void PluginManager::LoadPlugins ( std::string  pluginsFolder = "./plugins")

Loads the plugins in the specified folder.

pluginsFolderRelative path to the plugins folder.
void PluginManager::SetEventManager ( EventManager eventManagerPtr)

Sets the event manager to be used for callbacks.

eventManagerPtrInstance of EventManager.

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